Friday 23 October 2009


It's like the Russian Roulette... You never know where you might end up. If you haven't secured something, it usually happens like this: on the Friday, the staffing coordinator starts to put more pressure

[Staffing coordinator] - "So what have you decided? This project needs someone.. I know it's not your ideal project but there is not much else"
[Consultant] - "Yeah, I'm still looking at a couple of options but none have been confirmed. But this project you are mentioning, it is really confirmed?"
[Staffing coordinator] - "Oh yes, fully confirmed and actually they really like your profile. I think we need to confirm you as you have nothing else secured"

And there you go, that's how it's done... OK not always but it happens a few times like this to me. Actually, just learned this Friday afternoon that I will spend the next 2 months in some middle town in the middle of the UK trying to take a big chunk of cost out for our client... Good times ahead!

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